Ladakh Tour - offers tours to Ladakh, LadakhTour Package, Ladakh Cultural Tour, Cycling in Leh & Ladakh.
Ladakh is bounded by world's two mightiest mountain ranges the great Himalayan and the Karakoram, It lies athwart two others The Ladakh and the Zangskar range.
It leaves the first time traveler awestruck by its geographical and cultural difference as they land at Leh. The features of Ladakhi people, their clothes and dialects are similar to Tibetan and Mongoloid then Indian.
It leaves the first time traveler awestruck by its geographical and cultural difference as they land at Leh. The features of Ladakhi people, their clothes and dialects are similar to Tibetan and Mongoloid then Indian.
Ladakh Tour

Home - Rafting In Ladakh
Rafting In Ladakh
The Ladakh Region of jammu and kashmir provides very good oppourtunity for river rafting.There are

With the sky-high Himalaya in the north and the sea-level jungle in the south separated by a mere 200 km of hilly terrain, the entire country is like a steep incline. The rivers that flow down from the mountains towards the flatlands, therefore are of the high speed kind. Brimming with glacial melt, the raging rivers charge down from the high mountains and as they twist and roar through the narrow gores the waters churn into white foam-answering the prayers of every river runner. Apart from the thrill of charging down tremendous waves and swirls, a white water trip on Nepal's waterways provide splendid views of the landscape and river died flora and fauna. Descending from the mountains to the plains, a river trip also provides a cross-section of Nepal's ethnic diversity. You traverse a variety of terrain. lifestyles and climatic conditions in a few short days. Some rivers rush through scenic canyons with sheer rock walls on either side while others course through uninhabited wilderness to offer varied scenery and excitement.